
LWJGL a more detailed but simplified example
The one big disadvantage of the previous example was although it was comprehensive there's really far too much going on …

LWJGL a more complete example (an overview)
 Often a "get you started" example for LWJGL will simply show a single triangle and if you're lucky you might …

Remotely controlling a windows machine from Linux
Windows has its own home baked VNC like protocol called RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) - I love standards there are …

LuaJIT glue logic for software
In electronics glue logic is the informal name for the (often) off the cuff implementation of logic that "glues" different …

Android stopping crashing apps/services
Sometimes you can get yourself into a situation when updating android (usually missing permissions on google apps) where an application …

Lua and Foreign Function Interface (FFI) fun!
I've always had a soft spot for Lua and although I'm not actively using it in any projects at the …