
Sim cable so much better than thumb sticks
I've had much fun using FPV Freerider alas the only controller I had is a dual thumb stick type affair. …

My (first!) Quadcopter build
] Nano Quadcopter a common gateway drug and larger crazily cheap Chinese video droneWell Argos have a lot to answer …

Kobo Glo HD, how not to register.
Being very happy with my completely modified Kobo mini (It boots straight into a custom menu and uses coolreader) I …

MyHDL proof FPGA's don't have to be difficult...
shown with brownian motion generator for scaleThe open source toolchain for FPGA's (icestorm) has stimulated some interesting growth, for what …

XFCE4 Generic Monitor panel applet - for more than just hardware!
Since the demise of google reader, I like many people have taken to using their own server as an RSS …

Enter the Void! first impressions of Void Linux
While Gentoo is a great way to spin your own flavour of Linux, after a year I've found that recompiling …