
OpenSCAD for the newbie 3d printer
Well there are plenty of new things to get to grips with when learning to use a 3D printer, but …

The 3D printer rabbit hole
I’ve not written an article in a while because of 3d printers! An amazingly absorbing and interesting hobby that should …

A simple lightweight 3d framework for LWJGL3
The power of LWJGL is basically down to its low level nature, while this makes it incredibly flexible (for example …

simple dungeon generation
I spent a few days on and off thinking about different angles of attack for the problem of generating a …

Brute force attacks and wordpress
For quite a while I'd noticed that occasionally my server would be behaving in a less than stellar manner. Deciding …

Another LiftOff race track
Despite (or prehaps because of...) getting FPV equipment the weather is pants... so I've put together another track, this time …