
GreaseMonkey gottcha - script not triggering ?
In the unlikely event you haven’t discovered GreaseMonkey it's ideal for tweaking the presentation of a website to suit your …

SpritePlacer get physics
While far from complete, SpritePlacer now has physics. Each sprite can have multiple physics shapes added to it. This allows …

SpritePlacer a level editor
Straight off the code is at As its using libGDX its cross platform, however if you want it to …

Debians "handy" fstab entries
Having just installed Debian (XFCE) on my "new" SSD (and boy does it fly! AND I get an extra hour …

Whats worse that secure boot ? a badly implemented bios !
NB if you've landed here from a search, because you have this issue read below about using a usb keyboard... …

Configuring Alps laptop touch pad
Here mainly for my own historical notes (but if you happen to drop in here via google - you're most …