
Boilerplate Makefile
For quite some time I've had a skeleton project for C that I can quickly start new projects with.  The …

Godot, persistent states when revisiting scenes
It a fairly common practice to use an autorun singleton to keep hold of certain player related info for example …

Auto activating python venv
In python, the venv module coupled with requirements.txt is the key to making your python creations truly portable, no need …

Retro Computing, Unleashing the Power of Small, Affordable FPGAs
A Journey to Recreate the Nostalgic Experience in Retro ComputingThe world of retro computing holds a special place for enthusiasts …

split stdout and stdin in same terminal
When using a serial link to communicate with for example an application running on a microcontroller you might find that …

Moving from Wordpress to Django
If I'm honest, I've not been happy with Wordpress for some time, however to be fair to Wordpress it does …