
Raspberry PI 2 - first impressions
It was some time since I used my original Rasperry PI, as it had been gathering dust for a number …

Inkscape to Adobe Illustrator
When sending some SVG work to a laser cutter I stumbled on an interesting problem (where really there shouldn't be …

Kobo mini - doing without the official reader software.
The mini is a great ereader, I love the fact that its size makes it even more convenient than a …

Java Jni wrapping a simple callback machanism
Here we're going to look at a very simple callback in C an how you might wrap it for Java. …

Wrapping a returned C struct from inside JNI (and other JNI stuff)
First off I don't claim to be any kind of JNI guru and frankly I like to touch C as …

Jnanovg initial release!
I posted last time about my discovery of nanovg a lightweight vector graphic library, and mentioned that I was wrapping …