
WSGI and simple xhtml DOM creation
I've found creating web content using a DOM (Document Object Model) very convenient (in more than one language). It allows …

Create a Python module with the C API
While you would normally create the C portions of a Python module in a separate library, there are however some …

mod_cscript test app
In order to drive development of my C script module, I previously decided to create a little demo application and …

Checking password hashes with glibc
Like many people developing on the web, I've had cause to use password hashes as part of an authorisation system …

Progress with C-Script
My for edutainment purposes Apache module, mod_cscript is slowly taking shape as I find the odd bit of free time …

C-Script, C scripting on the web
C-Script I've previously experimented with creating a module for Apache, this time I've added scripting support to it, as the …