
Ad blockers, a few thoughts
You'll have seen sites that completely refuse to allow you access when they detect an ad blocker, and frankly these …

Dynamic loading of functions
Now why you might ask would you want to dynamically load functions ? Well if you want to implement some …

ODROID-GO - a nice introduction to the ESP32
ODROID-GO Anyone with any interest in microcontrollers will have seen the massive impact that the original ESP8266 had, while this …

A month of D...
Whenever evaluating some new tool, its often not the first few days that tell you the most, but rather more …

D an over looked language?
For some time I've been looking around for a new goto language as I've been unhappy with the direction Java …

3D printers - do you really need one?
We don't quite know where its gone, but the knob fell off the kettle, so no problem I just designed …