
Cell shading with raylib
Cell shading (sometimes called toon shading) is a fantastic way to give your game a really neat style. There are …

Alternative Wavefront OBJ loader for raylib
[ TLDR ] The code is at the bottom of the post... I seem to have had incredable bad luck …

Pointers - newbie hell for the C coder ?
Pointers can be a confusing topic for the new C programmer, often explanations get bogged down in too much technical …

Using qhull
At first glance turning a bunch of points into some kind of mesh should be an easy task. However look …

Nuklear (GUI) and raylib
Nearly a year ago I demonstrated using Nuklear with raylib, however because I was rendering the GUI inside a 3D …

Advanced shader debugging with raylib
I was recently considering implementing simple animation system with a vertex shader, when I remembered just what a pain debugging …