[ TLDR ] The code is at the bottom of the post...
I seem to have had incredable bad luck with OBJ files, while some lock up the loader (material hash map problem as far as I can tell) and some even still causing heap corruptions. I looked quite a bit into the current loader but in the end despite some success I ended up coming to the conclusion that it would probably quicker and easier just to write an OBJ loader from scratch...
Writing a loader has ended up being more interesting than you'd at first think. When triangulating faces, you have to add additional faces (to end up with all faces being triangles) You could scan through twice, once to calculate how many extra faces you want (so you can allocate enough room) and then scan through again to populate the space you reserved. I chose to just scan through for faces once but keep the faces in a very simple set of linked list (one list for each material). There is a function to add to a "list" which maintains the first node, and last node as well as a running total. When wanting to get a material ID from a material name (a string) rather than using a hash map (difficult to debug) I decided to keep to the KISS principle and just do a very simple linear search, even if there are more than a handful of the usual number of materials, the overhead of a linear search really isn't worth worrying about...
There is no header required for the loader, just ensure the code below is compiled into your application. At the top of any source you want to use the loader you will need to add the following line.
extern Model LoadObj(const char* filename);
When the loader has loaded the model you get some information on the INFO_LOG, here is an example
INFO: FILEIO: [data/ambulance.obj] Text file loaded successfully INFO: FILEIO: [ambulance.mtl] Text file loaded successfully INFO: LoadObj: material count 8 INFO: LoadObj: model triangulation added 0 tri's INFO: LoadObj: material 0 paintWhite face count 150 INFO: LoadObj: material 1 paintRed face count 128 INFO: LoadObj: material 2 plastic face count 998 INFO: LoadObj: material 3 _defaultMat face count 582 INFO: LoadObj: material 4 lightFront face count 4 INFO: LoadObj: material 5 window face count 30 INFO: LoadObj: material 6 lightBlue face count 32 INFO: LoadObj: material 7 carTire face count 664 INFO: LoadObj: total face count 2588
This example doesn't use textures, but instead uses just the diffuse colour, you can do a lot with solid colours, especially with some even simple lighting...
Anyhow here's the code, in case you have need of it.
/*********************************************************************** * 2020/11 * * * * Wavefront OBJ model loader implemented from scratch by Codifies * * seperates mesh into a mesh per material * * * * no header just use * * * * extern Model LoadObj(const char* filename); * * * * TODO's * * * * only diffuse map and colour used * * * ***********************************************************************/ /* * Copyright (c) 2020 Chris Camacho (Codifies - http://bedroomcoders.co.uk/) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #if defined(_WIN32) #include <direct.h> // Required for: _chdir() [Used in LoadObj()] #define CHDIR _chdir #else #include <unistd.h> // Required for: chdir() (POSIX) [Used in LoadObj()] #define CHDIR chdir #endif #include "rlgl.h" #ifndef DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS #define DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS 7 // Number of vertex buffers (VBO) per mesh #endif #include "utils.h" // structure to hold face indexes // initially before triangulation a face can have > 3 verts typedef struct faceInfo { int *vi, *ti, *ni; int numVerts; struct faceInfo* next; // a face can only be in a single list.... } faceInfo; // a list of faces typedef struct faceList { faceInfo* first; faceInfo* last; int faceCount; } faceList; // TODO make this set by material count #define MAXFACEMATS 128 // a list of all faces by material faceList allFaces[MAXFACEMATS] = { 0 }; // copy string till the end of line in source string static inline void strCpyEOL(char* src, char* dst) { int i=0; char tmp[1024]; while (src[0]!='\n' && src[0]!='\r' && src[0]!=0) { tmp[i++] = src[0]; src++; } tmp[i]=0; strncpy(dst, tmp, 1024); } // scan forward for the start of the next line or leave // on NULL char at end... static inline char* nextLine(char* line) { while (*line != '\n') { line++; } // find end of line while (*line != 0 && *line < 32) { line++; } // find start of next return line; } // maintain the face count and chain of next ptrs static void addFace(faceInfo* f, int matID) { if (allFaces[matID].first==NULL) { allFaces[matID].first = f; } if (allFaces[matID].last!=NULL) { allFaces[matID].last->next = f; } allFaces[matID].last = f; f->next = NULL; allFaces[matID].faceCount++; } // release all the memory allocated to the faces static void releaseFaces() { for (int i=0; i<MAXFACEMATS; i++) { faceInfo* node = allFaces[i].first; while (node) { faceInfo* nextNode = node->next; RL_FREE(node->vi); if (node->ti) RL_FREE(node->ti); if (node->ni) RL_FREE(node->ni); RL_FREE(node); node = nextNode; } } } // count how many times a character is in a string static inline int countChars(char* in, char c) { int i=0, n=0; while (in[i] != '\0') { if (in[i] == c) { n++; } i++; } return n; } /* a triangle face could be formatted like.... * case 1 v/t/n * case 2 v//n * case 3 v/t * case 4 v */ static void parseVert(char* in, int corner, faceInfo* ti) { int ns = countChars(in, '/'); if (ns == 2) { // case 1 or 2 if (!strstr(in,"//")) { // case 1 sscanf( in, "%i/%i/%i", &ti->vi[corner], &ti->ti[corner], &ti->ni[corner] ); } else { // case 2 sscanf( in, "%i//%i", &ti->vi[corner], &ti->ni[corner] ); } } if (ns == 1) { // case 3 sscanf( in, "%i/%i", &ti->vi[corner], &ti->ti[corner]); } if (ns == 0) { // case 4 sscanf( in, "%i", &ti->vi[corner]); } } // copy from one string to another till you hit the end of the string // or a specific character in the source string // returns the location in the source string 1 character after // the token is found, so one string can be split into multiple. static char* cpyStrTill(char* src, char* dst, char till) { int i=0; while (src[i] != till && src[i] != '\r' && src[i] != '\n' && src[i] != 0) { dst[i] = src[i]; i++; } dst[i] = '\0'; i++; return &src[i]; } static faceInfo* parseFace(char* in) { // first split into 3 strings char s1[80],s2[80],s3[80]; char* s = in; s = cpyStrTill( s, s1, ' '); s = cpyStrTill( s, s2, ' '); s = cpyStrTill( s, s3, ' '); char* ss = s; // save the point past first tri int ex = 0; // count the extra verts while(s[0]) { char l[80]; char* ls = s; s = cpyStrTill(s, l, ' '); if (s!=ls+1) { ex++; } } // allocate space for triangle / polygon verts faceInfo* face = RL_CALLOC(1, sizeof(faceInfo)); face->numVerts = ex+3; face->vi = RL_CALLOC(ex+3, sizeof(int)); face->ti = RL_CALLOC(ex+3, sizeof(int)); face->ni = RL_CALLOC(ex+3, sizeof(int)); // then parse each sub string pf 1st tri parseVert(s1, 0, face); parseVert(s2, 1, face); parseVert(s3, 2, face); s=ss; // if its a polygon add in the extra verts int c = 3; while(s[0]) { char l[80]; char* ls = s; s = cpyStrTill(s, l, ' '); if (s!=ls+1) { parseVert(l, c, face); c++; } } return face; } Model LoadObj(const char* filename) { char *line; Model model = { 0 }; char currentDir[1024] = { 0 }; char tmpStr[1024] = { 0 }; // clear all the face lists for (int i=0; i< MAXFACEMATS; i++) { allFaces[i].faceCount = 0; allFaces[i].first = NULL; allFaces[i].last = NULL; } // save current dir to restore later strcpy(currentDir, GetWorkingDirectory()); // load in the obj text file char* objdata = LoadFileText(filename); char* mtldata = NULL; CHDIR(GetDirectoryPath(filename)); if (!objdata) { return model; } // scan through obj find the material file and also // total the vert, normals, texture coords and faces int vc = 0; // counts for verts, norms, tx coords and faces int nc = 0; int tc = 0; int faces = 0; line = objdata; while(line[0]!='\0') { // spec says there should only be one mtllib if (strncmp("mtllib ", line, 7)==0) { strCpyEOL(line+7, tmpStr); mtldata = LoadFileText(tmpStr); } // counts if (strncmp("v ", line, 2)==0) { vc++; } if (strncmp("vn ", line, 3)==0) { nc++; } if (strncmp("vt ", line, 3)==0) { tc++; } if (strncmp("f ", line, 2)==0) { faces++; } line = nextLine(line); } // count the materials int materialCount=0; line = mtldata; if (line) { // there need not be a mtl file while (line[0] != '\0') { if (strncmp("newmtl ", line, 7)==0) { materialCount++; } line = nextLine(line); } } // at least one mesh/material which if no mtl will be default WHITE if (materialCount==0) { materialCount=1; } //printf("material count %i\n", materialCount); TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "LoadObj: material count %i", materialCount); char matNames[materialCount][1024]; char txNames[materialCount][1024]; Color colours[materialCount]; // set the first colour to white in case we have no // materials... colours[0] = WHITE; // clear out the texture names strings for (int i=0; i<materialCount; i++) { txNames[i][0]='\0'; } // get the textures and colours from the materials file line = mtldata; if (line) { // is there a mtl file? int m=0; while(line[0]!='\0') { // save each of the material names if (strncmp("newmtl ", line, 7)==0) { strCpyEOL(line+7, matNames[m]); m++; } // TODO implement the other map types here // diffuse colour if (strncmp("Kd ", line, 3)==0) { float r,g,b; sscanf( line+3, "%f %f %f", &r, &g, &b ); colours[m-1].r = r * 255; colours[m-1].g = g * 255; colours[m-1].b = b * 255; colours[m-1].a = 255; } // diffuse map if (strncmp("map_Kd", line, 6)==0) { strCpyEOL(line+7, txNames[m-1]); } line = nextLine(line); } } line = objdata; int currentMat = 0; // temporary storage for the vertex information float verts[vc*3]; float tx[tc*2]; float norms[nc*3]; // indexes int vi=0, ti=0, ni=0; // count up the verts for each material // get all the vert data etc ready to // split between materials while (line[0] != '\0') { if (strncmp("usemtl ", line, 7)==0) { strCpyEOL(line+7, tmpStr); for (int i = 0; i < materialCount; i++) { // simple linear search (KISS principle) // usually only a handful of materials so not // worth the overhead of hashmap or other techniques if (strcmp(tmpStr, matNames[i])==0) { currentMat = i; break; } } } // count and collect the faces // at this point some faces might have more that 3 verts if (strncmp("f ", line, 2)==0) { strCpyEOL(line+2, tmpStr); faceInfo *f = parseFace(tmpStr); addFace(f, currentMat); } // store all the vertices positions if (strncmp("v ", line, 2)==0) { float v0,v1,v2; sscanf( line+2, "%f %f %f", &v0, &v1, &v2 ); verts[vi] = v0; verts[vi+1] = v1; verts[vi+2] = v2; vi+=3; } // texture coords if (strncmp("vt ", line, 3)==0) { float t0,t1; sscanf( line+3, "%f %f", &t0, &t1 ); tx[ti] = t0; tx[ti+1] = t1; ti+=2; } // normals if (strncmp("vn ", line, 3)==0) { float v0,v1,v2; sscanf( line+3, "%f %f %f", &v0, &v1, &v2 ); norms[ni] = v0; norms[ni+1] = v1; norms[ni+2] = v2; ni+=3; } line = nextLine(line); } //if (triangulate) { int ntf = 0; // triangulation for (int i=0; i < materialCount; i++) { // get all faces for each material in turn faceInfo* fi = allFaces[i].first; while(fi) { faceInfo* nextNode = fi->next; // if its not a triangle // turn the poly into a triangle fan if (fi->numVerts > 3) { // loop through extra points making new (tri) faces // set this faces facecount to 3 for (int j = 2; j < fi->numVerts-1; j++) { faceInfo* nf = RL_CALLOC(1, sizeof(faceInfo)); nf->vi = RL_CALLOC(3, sizeof(int)); nf->ti = RL_CALLOC(3, sizeof(int)); nf->ni = RL_CALLOC(3, sizeof(int)); nf->vi[0] = fi->vi[0]; nf->ti[0] = fi->ti[0]; nf->ni[0] = fi->ni[0]; nf->vi[1] = fi->vi[j]; nf->ti[1] = fi->ti[j]; nf->ni[1] = fi->ni[j]; nf->vi[2] = fi->vi[j+1]; nf->ti[2] = fi->ti[j+1]; nf->ni[2] = fi->ni[j+1]; nf->numVerts = 3; addFace(nf, i); ntf++; } fi->numVerts = 3; } fi = nextNode; } } TraceLog(LOG_INFO,"LoadObj: model triangulation added %i tri's",ntf); //} model.meshCount = materialCount; model.materialCount = materialCount; // running index counts for each material indexes int mvi[materialCount]; int mti[materialCount]; int mni[materialCount]; model.meshMaterial = RL_CALLOC(materialCount, sizeof(int)); model.materials = (Material *)RL_CALLOC(model.materialCount, sizeof(Material)); model.meshes = RL_CALLOC(materialCount, sizeof(Mesh)); // finally all the meta is gathered, build the meshes... int tfc = 0; // first set up the model materials for (int i=0; i < materialCount; i++) { TraceLog(LOG_INFO,"LoadObj: material %i %s face count %i",i,matNames[i],allFaces[i].faceCount); tfc += allFaces[i].faceCount; mvi[i]=0; mti[i]=0; mni[i]=0; model.meshes[i].vertexCount = allFaces[i].faceCount*3; model.meshes[i].triangleCount = allFaces[i].faceCount; model.meshes[i].vertices = RL_CALLOC(allFaces[i].faceCount*9, sizeof(float)); model.meshes[i].normals = RL_CALLOC(allFaces[i].faceCount*9, sizeof(float)); model.meshes[i].texcoords = RL_CALLOC(allFaces[i].faceCount*6, sizeof(float)); model.meshes[i].vboId = RL_CALLOC(DEFAULT_MESH_VERTEX_BUFFERS, sizeof(unsigned int)); model.meshMaterial[i] = i; // TODO more than just DIFFUSE maps....! model.materials[i] = LoadMaterialDefault(); if (txNames[i][0]!='\0') { model.materials[i].maps[MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = LoadTexture(txNames[i]); } model.materials[i].maps[MAP_DIFFUSE].color = colours[i]; model.materials[i].maps[MAP_DIFFUSE].value = 0.0f; } TraceLog(LOG_INFO,"LoadObj: total face count %i",tfc); // look up the vert data for the mesh buffers from the face indexes for (int i=0; i < materialCount; i++) { mvi[i] = 0; mti[i] = 0; mni[i] = 0; } for (int i=0; i < materialCount; i++) { faceInfo* fi = allFaces[i].first; while(fi) { faceInfo* nextNode = fi->next; for (int p=0; p<3; p++) { int idx; // never seen it in the wild but according to spec // -tive indexes are relative to the end of the buffer if (fi->vi[p] < 0) { fi->vi[p] = vc - fi->vi[p]; } idx = (fi->vi[p]-1)*3; model.meshes[i].vertices[mvi[i]] = verts[idx]; model.meshes[i].vertices[mvi[i]+1] = verts[idx+1]; model.meshes[i].vertices[mvi[i]+2] = verts[idx+2]; mvi[i]+=3; if (fi->ti[p] < 0) { fi->ti[p] = tc - fi->ti[p]; } if (fi->ti[p] != 0) { idx = (fi->ti[p]-1)*2; model.meshes[i].texcoords[mti[i]] = tx[idx]; model.meshes[i].texcoords[mti[i]+1] = -tx[idx+1]; mti[i]+=2; } if (fi->ni[p] < 0) { fi->ni[p] = nc - fi->ni[p]; } if (fi->ni[p]) { idx = (fi->ni[p]-1)*3; model.meshes[i].normals[mni[i]] = norms[idx]; model.meshes[i].normals[mni[i]+1] = norms[idx+1]; model.meshes[i].normals[mni[i]+2] = norms[idx+2]; mni[i]+=3; } } fi = nextNode; } } // upload all the meshes to the GPU model.transform = MatrixIdentity(); for (int i = 0; i < materialCount; i++) { rlLoadMesh(&model.meshes[i], false); } // restore current directory (changed for mtl and texture loading) CHDIR(currentDir); // get rid of the linked list of face indexes releaseFaces(); RL_FREE(objdata); RL_FREE(mtldata); return model; }