
Raylib, projecting 3D onto 2D handy for debugging
Manually projecting 3d coordinates onto the 2d screen can be useful as seen above to label objects (although you can …

Implementing a 3d GUI with raylib
While experimenting with the rather excellent Nuklear GUI, I remembered my experiments with "painting" on a 3d model using a …

Turn your Raspberry PI into an appliance
As anyone who's regularly used a Pi in their projects knows, sooner or later either the power gets lost unexpectedly …

Clock / news ticker, on 32x32 RGB Matrix
video just doesn't do it justice! For literally years, I've wanted to start a project using a 32x32 RGB matrix, …

Animating sky with raylib
There are a number of ways to provide a sky scene with raylib, common solutions involve using either a sky …

Shaders with raylib
While I've touched on "simple" lighting and the related fog shader, both of these are fairly complex to pick apart, …