
Advanced Matrix transforms with Raylib
When I began developing my Matrix Chain Sandbox app, I always had it in mind to do (at least one) …

Drawing textured 2D polygons with rlgl (Raylib)
that Doris gets everywhere! UPDATE: I'm happy to say that this post is redundant ! I submitted a Pull Request …

Raylib quick start templates (with and without GUI)
Whenever I want to start a new project with Raylib I used to start from a simple template, which I've …

Matrix chain sandbox Sometimes even the best of us end up scratching our heads trying to work out why a complex chain …

Why you shouldn't use SetTargetFPS with Raylib
Raylib uses, in part a library called GLFW, its a great way to help isolate your application from the vagaries …

Mitigating Samsung bloat (A70)
I'll start off on a positive note ! Someone very kindly gifted me their "old" A70 on getting a new …