
Configuring Alps laptop touch pad
Here mainly for my own historical notes (but if you happen to drop in here via google - you're most …

Microsoft helping Linux again...
Well I thought it might be the case and from my recent experiences it seems that yet again Microsoft have …

Olimex A20 battery consumption
Still no enclosure or firm idea of what I'm putting in it, but a keyboard does look certain! The first …

Olimex A20 GLES2.0 and Open Dynamics Engine
Threw this up cause its what I do almost any new platform I explore ;) I'm in the process of …

The kit arrived - a review of Olimex components
Its been a few week so its been enough time to give me a good handle on the kit and …

Build your own Tablet / Laptop - introducing
Like many people into electronics I've always had the hankering to build my own portable system. You will often build …