
LWJGL and Javascript - taking it further
The idea of a powerful Java engine that can be used from Javascript, definitely has me intrigued especially as a …

LWJGL everywhere even from javascript...
Its rather useful to have a game "engine" that's directed from a language like JavaScript. Scripting languages have a number …

GLES2.0 everywhere (thanks to LWJGL3)
LWJGL has gone from strength to strength since being reborn from v2 - the differences are subtle from the API …

Trying out eudev on Raspberry PI Jessie
I don't normally post through locks but since some people can't seem to get it into their thick heads. SYSTEMD …

Jgles2pi thin Java wrapper of EGL and GLES
This is basically a stand in for documentation to the utils class of Jgles2pi a Raspberry PI port of Jgles2 …

libgdx 3D Boilerplate
One of the best features of GDX is stability and by that I mean API stability - despite undergoing a …