
Complete Template for Raylib
While there are some basic code templates included with raylib and they are of good quality, they still need integrating …

Painting on a 3d Mesh with Raylib
Recently a new example textures_mouse_painting was added to raylib, and I thought "that's neat scribbling on a texture.... hmm...." wouldn't …

Raspberry PI 4 - initial thoughts
I've had a Pi4 (4GB) for a few weeks now and overall I have to say I am really quite …

raylib Fog
When writing the raylib example shaders_basic_lighting, it occurred to me that taking it a little further and adding fog would …

Aligning a model with a terrain (raylib)
There are a number of reasons you may not wish to use a physics engine, but instead, use very simple …

Creating a simple game (part 5) finishing up.
The series starts here Finally I implemented am_Dive so you can compare it with your own implementation, there are many …